
Anton Dimchev, Dimbo manager – about motorhome tourism in Bulgaria

Anton Dimchev, who brought the first 700,000 € Concorde Centurion motorhome to Bulgaria, invited to show VANgabond.eu

photo: Marian Mocanu – Anton Dimchev

The guest of the show is Anton Dimchev, the manager of Dimbo – one of the largest motorhome rental companies in Bulgaria. I met Anton Dimchev in Bucharest when he exhibited a Laika motorhome at the Romanian Tourism Fair in 2018. The 2018 interview can be seen here.

Text: VANgabond.eu – travel motorhome Romania

Maybe you are interested in seeing the article: www.rvtravel.eu/dimbo-cel-mai-mare-parc-de-inchieieri-din-bulgaria/


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