
“Does someone sell caravans in Romania?”

In 2006, the Knaus manager asked Peti Luidort: “In Romania, someone sells caravans?”

“My name is Luidort Peter, I m from Dej and I represent Inside Servcom, company founded in 1991 which deal with the sell of Knaus caravans as a dealer since 2008. I’m the man who represent Truma company which deal with accessories for caravans and I sell accessories in collaboration with Falle company from Austria. Beside that ideas I must add that I opened a business with camping, because if you want to serve better clients, it’s good to have a camping place where eventually inside of a service where the customer can feel good.

In 2006 I bought the first caravan and it happend to met the factory manager Knaus at a meeting where he asked me: “Does someone in Romania sells caravans?” I said that yes and after he offered me the possibility to sell the Knaus Tabbert brand so I started with my first caravan sold in 2008 and form than I try to offer to my customers from Romania this brand, meaning Knaus, Tabbert and Weinsberg.

The business with caravans, I mean caravans because the business with motorhomes I will start next year, and I can say that the market increase.

Why I said that it doesn’t matters from where do you start, from Bucharest or from a village, the modern people search informations firstly on the internet and it doesn’t matter where do you have your center, he found the type of caravan he wants on the internet and he doesn’t care from where he buy it. The second thought is that indifferent from where you start in Romania is closer to buy it instead of going to Germany or Austria to buy a caravan, where sometimes you don’t receive any informations. A caravan bought from abroad you don’t have the assistance that you need and no one will go to Dusseldorf to make a check. If you don’t make the check, you lose your guarantee.

I feel that many people prefer to buy a caravan or a motorhome from Romania, instead buying  the same vehicle from aboard and eventually in Romania its cheaper.

I’m happy to be next to you. I agreed eventually to participate at the invitation of VANgabond. I’m happy because I don’t feel lonely with my ideas anymore about caravans, motorhomes, campsites and renting.

I meet many young people, younger than me, which see the best part of this business with  caravans.

I don’t consider myself a professional guy but I say again, I know what it means to sell a caravan or a motorhome or to make a service for them. The idea it’s to get together the people implicated in this business of caravaing, because it’s good to help each other maybe we will make a step forward.

I find a collaboration it’s natural, for example the people who give caravans to rent and the people with the camping sides because the camping sides survive with the money from the tourists which rented a motorhome and the renting companies may need a the special services for caravans.

Everyone somewhere it’s connected with the others and with this thinking of association we may be more visible abroad, because through a convention where we bring together our forces we may afford to extend. When a small company make a 10€ advertising it doesn’t count, but when more companies put each 10€ can make it count and the people abroad can see it.”

Interview: VANgabond.eu – travel motorhome Romania

Maybe you are interested in seeing the article: www.rvtravel.eu/epilog-la-conventia-anuala-de-caravaning-romania-editia-i




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