
TransCarpatica 2019 – 3 days expedition in nature

Our friends from Călauza Offroad told us about TransCarpatica 2019 – 3-day offroad expedition to the tent, in nature.

“Six crews prepared for an almost 600-kilometer offroad tour joined Călăuzea Offroad, in early August, in the fourth edition of the TransCarpatica expedition.

Gathering all the ingredients of an unforgettable offroad experience – roads you’ve never imagined you could reach with your car, incredible landscapes, adventure, skills you didn’t know you had, and friendship – here is the “secret” that brings together for a few days.
The expedition is drawn around some incredible roads: Transfăgărășan, Strategica, Transalpina and Transcindrel. But each year the route is different – new roads and stalls make the difference from one tour to another.

TransCarpatica is an experience for brave couples, who want to live for a few days the quiet of the nights in a tent, who want to taste the blueberries collected directly from the mountain, to drink from the clean water of the springs, but especially to try their own car and their skills on rough terrain. Just like the ad says: do you have the courage to leave your comfort bubble?
600 kilometers offroad and a bit of asphalt, landscapes, adventure, expedition and rain, lots of rain, much more rain that you would expect to get on your vacation. This is how it could be described the 2019 experience lived by the 6 crews from different corners of the country: Cluj, Maramureș, Bucharest and Oradea, would be described.

This year we started in Cârța, on a cloudy day. The splendor offered by the landscapes of Transfagarasan came as a reward when the rain stopped, which reached us only in Vidraru, where the offroad caravan left the asphalt and, through a torrential rain, greeted the ruins of Călugărita Cottage, continuing on the road to Topolog Valley and through Țara Loviștei.

We spent the first night somewhere on the Olt Valley, on the banks of a water, under a dense forest.
The sun appeared more friendly on the second day of the TransCarpatica tour, and Strategica was admired in all its splendor. The road has a medium difficulty, so drivers also had time to take a look left or right.

The Strategic Road – as it appears on the maps – crosses the Latorita Mountains, Ciunget or Măceșului Valley, over Fratoșteanu and Puru Mountains, up to Mount Stefan, in Transalpina.

Undoubtedly, one of the most spectacular moments offered by Strategica is the panorama over Vidra lake.
We went, we looked, we took pictures, we asked for directions and opinions from the locals, and finally we reached the Transalpina’s asphalt, which took us to Căpâlna (near Sebeș).

Beautiful day, without rain, but that brought us a good sleep over the night.
The third day of the adventure began with the hope of a sunny day – but the weather in the mountains is unpredictable…
Even when we left the camp, the rain came with us. And it followed us in a strange way on the mountains, with small breaks – to take pictures – to Curmături and further to Oașa.

We passed the Oașa dam easily – because of the wet weather, there was no longer that crowd of cars and chaotic people that make the jams so spicy.
We took the path of Curpătul in the rain, of course, with the thought up to Cindrel Peak, and followed by a sticky fog.
With more courage, with a little help, or with emotions for an oil bath that was dripping, we finally did it. The weather was friendly with us, on the descent to Steflesti, we had sun and a lot of mountain wind.

The beautiful valley led us to Păltiniș, we tried the shortcut to Gura Râului, and the evening he brought us at a large table with good food, at the Damian House in Petrești. Thanks to the hosts who found us and a table and good food, although we were 14 people who wanted a common meal and it was pretty late.

At 11 PM we arrived at the camping site where we drank some palinca, wine and beer before the well-deserved sleep.
Sunday was a wake-up call, each crew counting their return time home.
KM = 615
Days = three and something
Nights = three at the tent
Crew = 6 + Călăuza
Cars = 2 x Discovery1, 1x Discovery2 with trailer, 1x Discovery4, 1x Jeep Rubicon, 1x Jeep Grand Cherokee, 1x Suzuki Vitara
This was TransCarpatica 2019, set up by Călăuza Offroad. We have already started drawing the following routes.”






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